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Water Control Gates
Gates serve an integral purpose at just about every Water and Wastewater Treatment Facility or Hydropower Facility. There are many different shapes, sizes, and styles to choose from - each serving a specific purpose. Tap AFT's expertise to learn about which types of gates can best serve your purpose...

Slide Gates, Stop Logs, Flap Gates
Our product offering is vast and can suit applications for a wide variety of industries. Choose from cast iron slide or flap gates, fabricated slide or flap gates, rectangular butterfly gates, stop logs, wall thimbles, lifts and accessories.

Crest Gates
The Crest Gate is a spillway style gate used for water level control and trash sluicing. It consists of a reinforced leaf with bottom hinges mounted to the waterway floor. The gate is opened and closed by rotating about these hinges. In the lowered position, the gate leaf conforms to the profile of the spillway crest.

Tainter (Radial) Gates
Tainter gates, also referred to as radial gates are primarily used as spillway (flood control) gates due to their simplicity and efficient design. They consist of a curved skinplate reinforced by horizontal or vertical stiffening ribs and supported by radial arms on each side of the gate.

Roller Gates
Roller gates are vertical lift gates with a series of rollers or wheels located along each side of the leaf. The rollers transfer hydraulic load from the gate to the roller tracks mounted in the guide slots on each side of the gate opening. The wheels minimize frictional forces when raising and lowering the gate reducing the load on the gate operating system. Roller Gates, also referred to as Fixed Wheel Gates, are typically used where opening sizes are too large to efficiently use slide gates or for applications where gravity closure is a requirement.

Broome Gates
Steel-Fab Broome Gates, also known as Caterpillar Gates, are roller-mounted vertical lift gates supported along either side by stainless steel roller chains. Otherwise, their construction and function is very similar to that of Roller Gates. Broome gates feature a sloped sealing surface. However, if the sealing surface is vertical, they are sometimes called Coaster or Tractor Gates.

Jet Flow Gates
Jet Flow Gates are used as regulating gates to provide controlled discharge on outlet and bypass structures. They are most commonly installed for free discharge in the horizontal direction, but some are set at a downward angle or below tailwater for submerged discharge. The Jet Flow Gate is like a bonneted slide gate in appearance but includes a circular floating seat ring. The seat ring, or seal ring, is a tapered orifice and the primary design feature that contracts flow through the gate body and jet flow gate valve to safely discharge downstream. The contracting flow allows air to be introduced without cavitation or vibration.
Aero-Mod's SEQUOX process offers the benefits of sequencing aeration with the reliability of continuous clarification, resulting in consistently superior effluent quality.
Aero-Mod's SEQUOX process offers the benefits of sequencing aeration with the reliability of continuous clarification, resulting in consistently superior effluent quality.

Fixed Cone Valves
Known for its excellent energy dissipation, the Fixed Cone Valve is a regulating discharge valve for outlet works on medium to high head dams. This valve features a conical head that extends beyond the end of a cylindrical body. Radial ribs support the cone and the opening that is controlled by a sliding gate sleeve. The gate sleeve slides over the valve body and opening to control flowrate and fully close against the cone. As the valve opens the flow is dispersed into the atmosphere in an expanding cone shape that aerates and disperses energy.

Bulkhead Gates and Stop Log Panels are mainly used to isolate a waterway structure for maintenance. These gates or panels are installed and removed under balance head conditions with a crane. Commonly, a Bulkhead Gate refers to a single panel gate and Stop Logs are furnished in multiple sections to reduce required lifting forces.
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