Headworks Equipment
The needs of a treatment plant screenings and grit processing systems vary widely based on the characteristics and size of the collection system, locality and many other factors. Chances are AFT can help with a solution to meet your needs.
Screenings solutions include Stair, Multi-Rake, Climber, Drum, and Perforated Plate Screens, as well as Washer Compactors. Grit processing equipment includes Vortex Grit removal units, Grit Washers and Classifiers.
Multi-Rake Bar Screens
Designed for use in high throughput volume applications, the Multi-Rake Screen can efficiently remove large amounts of screenings with continuous operation. The versatility of the Multi-Rake Screen makes it ideal for special applications of extreme channel depth and severe screen blinding. Heavy duty components ensure a long and productive service life even under the most severe conditions.
Climber Screens
Found in pumping station and headworks projects across the U.S.—2,000+ to be exact—the Mensch Climber Type Severe Duty™ Bar Screen sets the standard for the most severe wastewater, combined sewer and storm water applications. You won’t find a more durable bar screen design on the market.
Knuckle Rake Bar Screens
The Knuckle Rake Screen is an automatic, self-cleaning mechanical bar screen customized for existing channels or new construction. Whether at pump stations, intake structures, or wastewater treatment plants, the Knuckle-Rake Bar Screen provides consistent, low maintenance and economical screenings removal.
Stair Screens
The Stair Screen is an automatic, self cleaning, fine screen for primary, secondary or sludge screening in municipal and industrial sewage treatment installations as well as industrial applications such as slaughterhouses, tanneries, breweries, and paper plants. Its design allows for easy installation in new and existing facilities without channel modification, and with a maximum setting angle of 57 degrees, the Stair Screen has a compact overall footprint.
Rotary Drum Screen
The Rotary Drum Screen is an automatic, self-cleaning fine screen for primary screening in municipal and industrial sewage treatment applications. The Rotary Drum Screen is designed to accept pumped flow and is internally-fed.
Stato Screens
The Stato Screen is a non-mechanical screening device for separating solids from liquids. Because there are no mechanical parts and the unit requires no power, these screens can be installed with minimal investment. Ideal for municipal wastewater and industrial applications.
Washing Presses
The Washing Press is a spiral press that washes organic matter out of screenings material. It washes, dewaters, compacts and transports screenings to a conveyor, container or other suitable receiving device reliably—day in and day out.
Vortex Grit Removal Systems
The Vortex Grit Removal System is designed to use the energy of the flow entering the tank to separate organics from grit in the wastewater. The hydraulic conditions created in the tank allow for the grit to fall out in the vortex, and the organics to be carried over into the downstream treatment processes.
Grit Washers
The Grit Washer is designed to wash sediment taken from grit chambers in sewage treatment plants. The Grit Washer washes and dewaters the sediment and transports the resultant sand particles to a container or conveyor while the organic matter and wastewater is reintroduced into the flow stream.
Grit Classifiers
The Grit Classifier receives the mixed flow of process liquids and sediments, designed to minimize turbulence and maximize settling of heavy inorganic sediments so that optimum separation is achieved. The process liquid and lighter organic material exits the tank after passing over the fixed weir, while the heavy inorganic sediment is retained in the tank.